Welcome to West Salem Kindergarten!
It is our goal to foster a love of learning in each of our students. We strive to provide a nurturing and highly engaging environment in all content areas.
The Kindergarten curriculum uses thematic units in teaching the State Standards of Learning which include language arts, math, science, and social studies. These thematic units are taught using whole group, small group, and individualized instruction. Our weeks also include art, music, guidance, technology, library, and physical education with wonderful ENCORE teachers.
The Kindergarten children are assessed individually according to the Standards of Learning set by the State of Virginia. A conference is held in November with each parent to explain the assessment process and discuss the report card. Report cards are issued to parents at the end of each nine weeks grading period beginning in January.
The Kindergarten goals for the year are to:
- Achieve independence in work and play
- Work and play cooperatively in a group
- Develop appropriate behavior toward teachers and peers
- Assume responsibility for personal belongings
- Obtain an understanding of the Kindergarten Standards of Learning
Helpful Tips for Kindergarten Parents
- Read to your child every day. Discuss the story with your child and check for understanding.
- Plan for your child to get at least 10 hours of sleep each night.
- Discuss the papers in your child’s folder each day.
- Discuss your child’s day with them.
- Take your child to the library whenever possible.
- Communicate frequently with your child’s teacher.
Our focus is on meeting the needs of the total child. Our curriculum and lessons provide many and varied opportunities for growth academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.
Watch us Cardinals fly!
Mrs. Booze
Mrs. Lawrence
Mrs. Cooper