Fourth Grade

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Fourth grade students are grouped into three classes. Teachers collaborate to share ideas, concerns, and strategies to best serve the students, their families, and the community.


In fourth grade at West Salem, students are held to high expectations that help prepare them for fifth grade, middle school, and life after high school. Such expectations include:


  • Being responsible the rights, property, and feelings of oneself and others,
  • Cooperation with others and a drive to succeed,
  • Being prepared with the supplies needed and tools to succeed,
  • Readiness to be a compassionate, prepared, problem-solving West Salem Cardinal.
But most importantly, students are expected to be themselves. We embrace and celebrate each student's talents, interests, and personality traits that make our puzzle complete.


The fourth grade core curriculum includes Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Physical Education, Music, Art, Guidance, Library, and Computer Science classes are conducted during the Encore activity block each day. State and local SOL’s provide the mainframe for all instructional planning.

Classroom instruction involves whole group and cooperative learning strategies with opportunities to practice the skills they are learning. Small instructional groups are frequently formed as needed for the best interest of each child. Assessment is an on-going process and classwork will be sent home to be reviewed by parents.


The fourth grade teachers incorporate technology  using Chromebooks and online learning opportunities. 


The fourth grade program encourages independence, both in academics and life skills.


Mrs. Chauvin

Devon Watty

Mrs. Edwards

Hannah Terry